A 10-minute writing workshop that will show you are not a lazy writer. Just a Newbie

A Podcast Review

Clavia Fidelity
2 min readFeb 11, 2024
Photo by Antoni Shkraba: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-a-workshop-noting-an-idea-in-her-notebook-6768471/

Write every day. Have a workspace. Have a mentor. Buy a writing course. Read books on writing. Write with pen and paper. Set a writing time and follow it. Write first and edit last. Find someone you enjoy their work and mimic their style until you find yours. All this advice is great but would it work for you?

Rules are great but they were made by people who practiced until they knew what works for them. People dish advice on what has worked for them but will it work for you? Do you know yourself well enough to know what would work and what wouldn’t?

Forget all the rules there is to writing and focus on writing what you feel like writing. Do it long enough and make your own rules as you go.

I used to think I couldn’t write without a paper and a pen. But that changed when I got a MacBook Pro and I never owned a pen to date. I use my Samsung Note to write down my ideas as they come, then transfer them to Google Docs for editing and finishing on my laptop

I’ve listened to a couple of episodes on the 10 Minute Writers Workshop podcast, and every guest who are bestselling authors, by the way, has their way of working out their writing hurdles.

When asked, which are the hardest to write? First or last sentences? The answer was different for each person. Most said first sentences, some said last but someone said the middle. And they are all right because they are talking from personal experience.

So my question is, have you written long enough to have a personal experience?

If the answer is no, then write more till you figure it out.

There’s no shortcut to becoming a better writer. Developing yourself takes time. There will be fewer writing days than writing days due to inconsistency. And that’s okay! You are growing and learning about your strengths and weaknesses.

I love the fact that this podcast keeps every episode short. 10 minutes max. And they ask the same question to every guest. Which helps you see the similarities and differences in their writing techniques.

If your writing quirks have been tagged bad, inappropriate, or weird, but does it work for you? Pay their name-calling no mind. Do you. You never know if your weird quirks will be adopted by other people as a writing rule that works.

Side note: You are still a newbie until you are no longer afraid of not getting it right.

🩷Don’t forget to buy me a cup of kofi if you like what I do.

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