Reviewing Writing Podcasts Is My Dare For 2024

what is your dare for 2024?

Clavia Fidelity
3 min readJan 4, 2024

If 2024 is a movie, then the title will be “No gree for Anybody”. It means you should be persistent in whatever you do by all means. Don’t be scared of anything and dare the heavens to come down. Good things only happen to those who dare, right? Then why are you there?

Dare to do those things that have scared you. Dare to publish that novel. Dare to mend your relationships with people who matter in your life. Dare to publish that work that you feel is undeserving of the public eye (you can’t tell us what is deserving or not, we are the judge). Dare to LOVE (including yourself). Dare to walk away from relationships that are not serving you. Dare to put up those boundaries and say enough is enough. Dare to be consistent in self-development. Dare to live in happiness and fulfilment.

For me, I’m daring myself to start a new writing series on reviewing writing podcasts weekly. My last article was about discovering a writing podcast that taught me more than writing courses ever did. When I wrote it, I was just excited to share with the world another cool alternative to learning the craft. But after seeing how well the article is doing, I realized that most writers haven’t warmed up to listening to writing podcasts. To be fair, a lot of us have a listening problem. That’s why we can listen to a song for years without knowing the lyrics until someone on TikTok decides to spell it out for us and we go “How was I singing erotic lyrics at age 5?

These podcast reviews are my way of ensuring your daring process becomes as smooth as possible. Listening to podcasts isn’t my strong suit as I tend to lose focus a lot — say 20 replays before I start getting value for my time. But I don’t mind going through that pain to make such profound knowledge text based for more accessibility.

Though, I have never reviewed anything that isn’t skincare products, so this is me warning you that we are off to a rough start. I don’t know where to start from but I will start regardless. It’s a dare season, remember? Please, bear with me if the first few episodes aren’t very coherent. We will get there I promise — My desire to spread the value of writing podcasts is greater than my fear of failing.

Now, will you come with me on this journey of discovering other learning methods?

➡️ subscribe to my email list to get the weekly reviews once it drops.

➡️Don’t forget to buy me a cup of Kofi to revitalize my energy if you like what I do.

Lest I forget, what will you be daring yourself to do this year? Let’s hear it in the comment section.

Happy daring year, writers! No gree for anybody!

